Fall 2013 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues:
Happy Holidays! As the calendar year nears its end, another semester at UNC Charlotte has concluded. In addition to the celebratory holidays that come at this time of year, we at the University are celebrating the latest group of graduates who will go forth to fulfill their futures. At our December 14 Commencement we awarded nearly 3,400 degrees, including 940 Master’s and 73 doctoral degrees.
Commencement at UNC Charlotte highlights one of the fundamental components of our mission: to serve the public good by producing well-educated men and women. It also adds to our sense of having completed a good semester, and helps to energize us for the challenges of the New Year. I hope you have some time to slow down, cozy up with this newsletter (and your favorite warm beverage), and share in our pride with respect to the University’s most recent accomplishments. And, as always, if you would like more information on any specific item mentioned in this newsletter, please feel free to contact my executive assistant, Shari Dunn.
I’ll close by wishing all of you a very healthy and productive New Year. Go Niners!

Philip L. Dubois