Spring 2017 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues:
With the spring semester of the 2016-17 academic year in full swing, I wanted to reach out to you with a handful of highlights, challenges, and opportunities that are currently on our radar.
The fall semester was definitely an interesting one. While we celebrated several great and exciting events, including the 70th anniversary of our University’s founding and the launch of our most ambitious fundraising campaign to date, we also weathered one of the most challenging times we’ve experienced during my tenure here as Chancellor. In the days and weeks following the officer-involved shooting in the University area, our city and campus community grappled with the same difficult issues and tensions that have enveloped the nation. I was proud of how our students, staff, and faculty came together to express their fears, anger, and frustrations peacefully and respectfully.
In addition to the many happenings in Niner Nation, we’re also in the midst of some pretty interesting times at the state and national levels. In a tumultuous political climate, it encourages me to know that there are 49ers out there doing their part to serve society through the political process. I want to thank NC Representatives Mike Hager (’87) and Tricia Cotham (’01), and NC Senator Bob Rucho (’94) for their distinguished service. This past November, two new 49ers, Mary Belk (’06) and Linda Hunt Williams (‘96) joined fellow representatives Dean Arp (’99), Jason Saine (’95), Bill Brawley (’78), Kelly Hastings (’09), Cecil Brockman (’06), and Senator Joyce Waddell (’78) in the NC General Assembly. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (’93 and ’94) was reelected, as was U.S. Congressman Richard Hudson (’96).
In the following pages you will see updates from various areas across the University. I know it’s a lot to read…but that’s because there’s a lot going on! I hope you will take a few minutes to scan these pages. I think you’ll be amazed and excited to see what our folks are up to. And I think you’ll feel really proud to be a Niner.
If you would like more information on any item covered in this newsletter, please contact my senior executive assistant at shari.dunn@uncc.edu, or check out the Chancellor’s Outbox at /office-chancellor/public-communications.
That should do it for now. Back with more news after Commencement ceremonies in May.

Philip L. Dubois