December 2017 Newsletter

Categories: Newsletters

Another semester is in the books, another crop of Niner alumni have crossed the stage, and we prepare to toss our 2017 calendars and turn to a clean page with the arrival of 2018. The cycle of endings and beginnings seems to come faster and faster every year.

It has become my custom to take a little time during the lull of the holiday break to reflect on the year just ending and to calibrate myself for the new year and all that it will bring. In the following pages, I will share some updates on milestones and highlights of the last several months, and we’ll also look ahead to what’s coming in 2018.

As always, if you would like more information on any item covered in these pages, please contact my senior executive assistant, Shari Dunn, or check the Chancellor’s Outbox.

Whatever your holiday tradition might be, I hope you’ll enjoy time in the company of family and friends. Happy 2018 and, of course, Go Niners!


Philip L. Dubois Chancellor