Spring 2014 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues:
As we close out another academic year, I want to take a few moments to update you on some of the issues, challenges, and accomplishments of the past semester and look ahead with you to some of the exciting things coming down the pike.
We have just celebrated commencement with three ceremonies for the first time ever, and were pleased with how well the Friday service was received. During the three ceremonies we awarded more than 3,600 degrees, and a grand time was had by all.
One particularly noteworthy highlight of this year’s Spring Commencement is that the first class of Levine Scholars walked across the Halton Arena stage. It hardly seems like four years have passed since we welcomed them to campus. The pioneer group and the annual cohorts that have followed have set many standards for excellence in academic performance and service, both here in the Charlotte region and around the world. The prestigious Levine Scholarship has quickly become one of the most highly sought-after awards of its kind. The Fall 2014 incoming class of 16 Levine Scholars has just been selected from 2,174 nominations and 848 applications. The Levine Scholarship provides full-ride scholarships and four annual summer experiences to each recipient. It was established through the generosity of Leon and Sandra Levine and the Leon Levine Foundation. Several video features on the program and its students’ experiences are available on the Web. In this video, Levine Scholars Faculty Director Diane Zablotsky and Levine Scholar Evan Danchenka discuss the program in depth.
Commencement was also a rewarding experience as we honored alumnus Gene Johnson with an honorary doctorate in public service. Gene’s many contributions to the betterment of the University include his service on the Board of Trustees, including three years as the first alumnus to serve as chairman. Gene currently serves as Chair of the Foundation of UNC Charlotte as we enter our next major fundraising campaign.
With the semester and commencement behind us, I hope you’ll take a few moments to peruse the following pages. There’s a lot of information here – some you’ll find interesting, and some that might be of help to you if you struggle with insomnia; but I want to keep you all in the loop on these various issues so that we all can celebrate our victories together and share a ‘big picture’ mentality as we go about our daily work. If you would like more information on any items mentioned in this newsletter, please contact my executive assistant, Shari Dunn. You can also check the Chancellor’s Outbox on the Administration website for additional information.
As we come to the end of another successful academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your efforts. Our university is strong and vibrant in large part because of the exemplary faculty and staff who have chosen to invest their professional lives here. I hope we all will be able to take some time this summer to catch our breath, enjoy time with family and friends, and recharge our batteries for another exciting academic year.

Philip L. Dubois