Updates to provost search committee

Dear Colleagues,
I am reaching out with updates on the provost search process.
I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Bojan Cukic, professor and associate dean for academic programs and student success in the College of Computing and Informatics, as a member of the search committee. Dr. Cukic will replace Dean Fatma Mili who has stepped down from serving on the committee.
Under the leadership of Co-chairs Catrine Tudor-Locke and Rob Keynton, the search committee has made steady progress in its work. In October, a survey was administered and listening sessions were held to provide the campus community the opportunity to give feedback regarding the desired attributes that the next provost should possess, as well as the opportunities and challenges facing the next provost and the University. The feedback helped to inform the position description, which was developed and posted in November.
The search committee has cast a national net to recruit a strong, diverse pool of candidates. Advertisements were placed online in the following venues: the Chronicle of Higher Education, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, Women in Higher Education, Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, and the UNC Charlotte and Parker Executive Search websites. Additionally, as part of the search strategy, Parker Executive Search has contacted leaders at peer and aspirational institutions, and others in leadership roles nationally to determine personal interest or to solicit recommendations. As of January 10, the deadline for priority consideration, 67 applications have been received.
In accordance with its established timeline, the search committee will review the candidate applications over the next two weeks, conduct first-round interviews in early February and invite finalists to campus in late February. My goal is to announce the chosen candidate in March and have the new provost in place by the start of the next academic year.
I am very grateful to the members of the search committee and thank them for their willingness to undertake this very important work.

Sharon L. Gaber